Welcome to join our annual summer retreat July 1 – 7

On this 7-Day San Pedro Retreat, we work with this ancient and sacred medicine with the intention of regeneration and healing of our physical, mental, and emotional bodies.

This 7-Day Retreat includes 3 San Pedro ceremonies where the sacred plant medicine will work with you to help you answer your questions and fulfill your intentions. They will also help you align, cleanse and restructure all the parts of you that need support and healing. We also include 2 Kambo ceremonies to support the clearing of blockages and to further open to the medicine for a deeper experience.

San Pedro is a “master medicine plant” and has been used for centuries to achieve spiritual, mental, and emotional healing by Shamans. This gentle and heart-opening medicine opens a door to the wonder and beauty of your being. San Pedro facilitates transformation in a manner that is both nurturing and supportive, inviting you to see through your limitations and false beliefs to the truth of who you really are.

Shamanic journeying with San Pedro is a truly unique experience. The plant has a very gentle way of opening the energy body and transmuting personal blockages. It brings a different perspective around the relationship within the body itself, the earth and the universe as a whole. Our ceremonies are guided by traditional shamanic Icaros as well as sound healing practices. Additionally, they are designed to allow time to connect with nature in a safe and guided space.

It is very common for participants to report a sensation of interconnectedness and oneness with the earth and the universe. A truly healing and expanding experience.

Sourced from the indigenous tribes of Brazil, Kambo is the secretion of the giant Monkey frog. It is administered on the skin of the participants after doing a very light peripheral burn that serves as an opening to the lymphatic system. Kambo supports the healing and release of deep traumas, addictive substances, and behavioral patterns. A Kambo ceremony is about two hours long which allows for rest and reflection for the rest of the day.

This year we will be renting a big and spacious airbnb just outside Stockholm that would give enough space and accommodation for a comfortable retreat. From a shamanic perspective, we found that giving a retreat more time is much more beneficial for the healing work. We have applied the same model that we follow in some of our retreats in Peru, which is a 7 day retreat with 3 San Pedro ceremonies and 2 Kambo ceremonies. We include other plants in our different ceremonies to further help with the healing, cleansing and expansion such as rapé, cacao and mapacho.

The date of the retreat is July 1 – 7
The price is: SEK17.900
Retreat specific vegan/vegetarian food
Shared bedrooms, 2-3 people in each room (shared with person of the same gender)

Follow this link to book your spot as the places are very limited.


Retreat schedule
Day 1 – Arrival & Welcome talk
Day 2 – First San Pedro ceremony, dinner in the evening
Day 3 – Kambo, lunch, sharing circle, free time, dinner
Day 4 – Second San Pedro ceremony, dinner in the evening
Day 5 – Kambo, lunch, sharing circle, free time, dinner
Day 6 – Third San Pedro ceremony, closing ritual, dinner in the evening
Day 7 – Breakfast, Departure

The Greenheart team members are Samer, Jenni and Micke. Together they have hosted successful retreats both in Sweden and Peru for many years.

Samer is the founder of Samadi Healing in Sacred Valley in Peru where he share the healing arts and spiritual teachings he received from the spirit realm and support others on their Healing Journey. He has worked with thousands of people from all over the world, guiding and supporting them through Ayahuasca and San Pedro ceremonies and retreats as well as shamanic plant dietas. Among working with traditional shamanism and sound therapy, Samer also continued to educate himself in Naturopathy. He is a certified lymphatic iridologist, herbalist, and detoxification and regeneration specialist.

Jenni is a psychotherapist and has been working with holistic healing for over 13 years. She is also a homeopath and have worked with alternative medicines for about 17 years.

Micke started his journey as a hypnotherapist specialized in helping people with trauma and addiction, the past 6 years he has been working dedicated with the Kambo frog as he find this medicine to be one of the most effective modalities when it comes to detox and cleansing on all levels. Micke is one of only two IAKP Advanced Kambo practitioners in Sweden and he is a Kambo teacher within the International Association of Kambo Practitioners.

We look forward to seeing you and sharing the medicine space with you.